

  1. sos for ios
  2. type: latin
  3. video games

sos for ios



This is a First Aid feature proposal for Apple’s IOS. I created guides to be accessed from the iPhone’s emergency screen to empower people to intervene during time-sensitive emergencies in the event that they are not prepared to do so. While this prototype is designed specifically for the iPhone, the website is still responsive across devices, making it a self-sufficient artifact. Here is a link to the live site.


Speculative project – Front-end development, Responsive web design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Feature design, Illustration


Mar 2024 - Apr 2024


type: latin



Type: Latin is a website and a curated collection of readings that constitutes a study and celebration of the latin script and its typographic applications throughout history. The featured readings are Italics, The Shape of Words and The Elements of Typographic Style. I designed each one to have its own identity within the larger visual scope of the website. This site is a purely typographic build – no images. I recreated any pictures or drawings from the original texts from scratch as screen-readable, scalable elements. Here is a link to the live site.


Speculative project – Front-end development, Responsive web design, HTML, CSS


Nov 2023 - Dec 2023


video games


These games are small projects I worked on for a Creative Coding/Game Design class. It was a blast to bring some ideas to life, and for a dedicated gamer like me to experience what happens behind the curtain. Marble's inferno is a 3D platformer following the journey of a white marble through earth, heaven and hell. Carefully navigate these absurd and perilous environments to escape. I recycled bits and pieces of my drawings to put together this chaotic paper-like landscape. Don't Look Back is a 2D co-op puzzle platformer set on a dark roof. Control the movement of your double-sided protaganist by coordinating button inputs with another player. Illuminate the way forward before you get swallowed by the ever-looming fog. You can play and learn more about these games on their pages: Marble’s InfernoDon’t Look Back


Speculative projects – Game design, Art direction, Concept art, Animation, Unity, C#


Sep 2023 - Dec 2023


  1. Marble's Inferno:
  2. Solo project
  3. Don't Look Back:
  4. Development: Sabrina Tseng
  5. Environment and puzzles: JC Clark


  1. Marble's Inferno
  2. Don't Look Back
Marble's Inferno
  • Earth

  • Trickshot

  • Heaven

  • Hell

Don't Look Back
  • Struggle alone

  • Move together

  • Solve puzzles

  • Find purpose

  • Character sprites
